High school
Cumbres International School Lomas

We ensure that the student makes sense of what he learns when he knows, understands and transforms the environment that surrounds him. We encourage learning to love and choose what is good, choosing virtue freely and responsibly, seeking to be a gift to others. Learning to live and serve, valuing and caring for oneself, enhancing the gifts received and going out to meet others.
In high school, the learning of each student is personalized with CAR methodologies
(cooperative, active and reflective) that challenge, stimulate and enhance their different capacities, through collaborative work, problem solving, training projects, debates,
transversality of disciplines, among others, promoting the best of each one to achieve their goals and positively transform their environment, aware of their personal responsibility and
commitment to society.
A través de talleres de competencias personales, comunicación asertiva, liderazgo y la transversalidad en la vivencia de las virtudes, buscamos promover que el alumno, mediante un trabajo de interiorización personal, continúe desarrollando y conformando su autoconciencia; su autoconocimiento y su autodeterminación, permitiéndole movilizarse así hacia su madurez afectiva.
Derivado de este desarrollo, pretendemos que el alumno sea una mejor persona para sí y, por tanto, logre potenciar y desarrollar su capacidad de autodonación (capacidad de entrega y servicio a los demás), en la cual descubrirá que, en el encuentro con el otro, podrá verdaderamente trascender y cumplir la vocación al amor a la que todo ser humano está llamado.
We seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails.
Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math), we encourage students to see it:
As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
As a means to develop digital skills.
To lay the technological foundations for the following educational levels.
English language immersion program. At this stage, students continue to develop the 4 skills: listening, reading, speaking & writing.
We have 5 AP Program (Advance Placement Program) subjects endorsed by The College Board, which are taught in English: AP English, AP Human Geography, AP Spanish, AP Chemistry & AP World History.
Cambridge Certifications.
In addition, they also continue learning their third language: French. Adding another three more years of studying this language. Native teachers teach this subject.
We educate at all times, space and environment. Any opportunity, inside and outside the classroom, is used to develop an educational-formative intervention. We have various resources that support us in this process:
Formative, flexible, interactive and collaborative environments and spaces that promote personal, transcendent and community learning.
Physical and digital educational materials, which help to enhance the student's abilities according to the expected graduation profile.
Educational technology, which favors research and the production of content and solutions.
The students carry out sports physical activity that favors their physical and mental development, as well as being aware of the habits of self-care for health, nutrition, rest, values, socialization, safety, respect for rules and the formation of character.
In high school, our students develop optimum performance in physical-sports activities, showing great problem-solving capacity and leadership in decision-making, recognizing the conditions, standards and rules of training and competition.
We have extracurricular academies for professionalization in various sports and artistic disciplines.