Cumbres International School Lomas

In secondary school, we encourage all members of the educational community to work in partnership with parents to achieve a comprehensive socio-emotional formation, taking into account the characteristics of the student within their context, making relevant educational-formative interventions. We focus on each of our students learning to value and care for themselves, enhancing the gifts received.
En secundaria, el alumno es el protagonista de su aprendizaje. Respetamos sus ritmos, madurez, desarrollo y buscamos que le dé un sentido personal a lo que aprende, logrando conectar con sus intereses, experiencias y necesidades. El docente es guía y mediador del proceso, aplicando metodologías CAR (cooperativas, activas y reflexivas), utilizando herramientas de tecnología educativa, y dando énfasis al trabajo interdisciplinario. Programa de iPads 1By1 a partir de 1º de secundaria; Apple Education, tecnología diseñada para que la imaginación de nuestros alumnos no tenga límites.
We accompany our students so that they can build an authentic, mature and healthy personality, which allows them to travel, more fully and in accordance with their dignity, the path towards their own self-realization and transcendence.
We promote Christian servant leadership in students so that they can respond to the needs of others as a citizen committed to themselves, their family, their community and the world.
Buscamos que los alumnos utilicen la tecnología eficaz y eficientemente como herramienta para incrementar su productividad, desarrollar su creatividad, comunicar ideas y aprender colaborativamente, sin olvidar la responsabilidad que conlleva el uso de las mismas.
Programa de iPads 1by1 a partir de 1º de secundaria. Apple Education, tecnología diseñada para que la imaginación de nuestros alumnos no tenga límites.
A través del uso de la tecnología educativa, la robótica y la metodología STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math), fomentamos que los alumnos la vean:
Como recurso útil y necesario para el aprendizaje.
Como un medio para desarrollar competencias digitales.
Para sentar las bases tecnológicas para los siguientes niveles educativos.
En secundaria, los alumnos continúan desarrollo las 4 habilidades del idioma inglés: listening, reading, speaking & writing. Además, incorporan a su vocabulario tecnicismos en materia de ciencias, debido a que las siguientes asignaturas se imparten 100% en inglés: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, world history.
Certificaciones de Cambridge.
En 1º de secundaria nuestros alumnos inician con la introducción al tercer idioma: francés. Profesores nativos son los responsables de impartir esta asignatura.
We educate at all times, space and environment. Any opportunity, inside and outside the classroom, is used to develop an educational-formative intervention. We have various resources that support us in this process:
Formative, flexible, interactive and collaborative environments and spaces that promote personal, transcendent and community learning.
Physical and digital educational materials, which help to enhance the student's abilities according to the expected graduation profile.
Educational technology, which favors research and the production of content and solutions. We have a STEAM laboratory with 3D printers, laser cutters and various tools to make your projects tangible.
From the constant approach to art and culture, students develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills. In addition to incorporating art and culture in various subjects, students put their skills and talents into practice and demonstrate their ability in academies and various artistic and cultural competitions.
Secondary students practice various physical-sports activities, which respond to preferences and needs that facilitate their comprehensive training, in different contexts where their abilities, becoming aware of their decisions and actions.