Educational model
Son dos modelos los que guían nuestro pasos. En el modelo educativo se refleja nuestra esencia, es decir, la misión, los principios y propósitos que nos han caracterizado desde hace más de 68 años. El modelo pedagógico es la forma en la que concebimos el aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos. Este último se ha actualizado recientemente, alejándose de métodos tradicionales. Nuestro modelo se centra en el aprendizaje y no en la enseñanza, es decir, buscamos que los alumnos sean protagonistas de su propia historia de aprendizaje y aprendan de forma colaborativa, activa y reflexiva.
The most important elements of our model are the following:
Learning through CAR methodologies (cooperative, active and reflective).
Own approaches in the teaching of English, mathematics, language, technology and science.
Close accompaniment of the teacher and trainer.
Development of 10 life skills.
Training environments that motivate learning and encourage collaborative work.
Formative purposes
We seek that each student:
Know, live and transmit a joyful faith.
Develop a magnanimous, compassionate and generous heart.
Be free and mature according to your age.
Achieve academic excellence and develop an intelligence committed to the search for truth.
Be an upright, humble and committed leader.

Educational principles
The elements that guide and characterize our work are:
Comprehensive training
Personal attention
Innovation and harmony
Partnership with families
Training in freedom
Responsibility and social commitment
Formative and safe environments
Graduation profile
Our model is focused on preparing students for life. We formulate the contents, procedures, attitudes, values and virtues in 10 graduation competencies that respond to our training purposes and international standards.
These competencies focus on the student achieving:
Live a joyful, faithful, coherent faith, and moved by love.
Personal care and character formation
Be responsible for your body and health and forge the character to make responsible decisions.
search for truth
Through introspection, reflection and research to generate actions of commitment and social impact.
Healthy and constructive affectivity
Establish relationships and friendships based on the value and dignity of people.
Assertive communication
Use technology for the acquisition, use and generation of content.
Communicate your ideas orally and in writing, both in Spanish and English, being clear and assertive.
Appreciate and express yourself artistically.
Show mathematical reasoning being able to solve problems.
Have critical and scientific thinking to understand and transform their environment.
Take care of your physical and emotional health, as well as the environment.
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